
[2024-01-26] Eunho received the best poster award (최우수상) at the BK21 conference (BK21 우수 포스터 경진대회)

Eunho received the best poster award from the BK21 program of Department of Energy Systems Engineering at Seoul National University (서울대학교 에너지시스템공학부 BK21 차세대 에너지 통합형 인력양성사업단) at the BK21 conference. Congratulations!

[2023-02-24] Hyejung received the highest graduation honor from the Department of Energy Resources Engineering at SNU (서울대학교 에너지자원공학과 최우수졸업상) and the award from the president of KSMER (한국자원공학회장상)

Hyejung received the highest graduation honor (valedictorian) from the Department of Energy Resources Engineering at Seoul National University and the award from the president of Korean Society of Mineral and Energy Resources Engineers (KSMER). Congratulations!

[2022-08-23] Our paper on capacitive deionization (CDI) was recently published in Environmental Science & Technology

Jin Soo Kang, Seoni Kim, Jiho Kang, Hwajoo Joo, Junghwan Jung, Kyusik Jo, Subin Park, Hyoung-il Kim, Sung Jong Yoo, Jeyong Yoon*, Yung-Eun Sung*, T. Alan Hatton*
Environmental Science & Technology 2022, 56, 12602-12612
“Surface electrochemistry of carbon electrodes and Faradaic reactions in capacitive deionization”